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5th November

Bob's Fireworks

Go out with a bang and sparkling cash prizes in Bob's Fireworks chat games

Play Bingo
Here's how it works:
  1. 1 Enter The Stadium room to play in Bob's Fireworks chat games.
  2. 2 Purchase three Bingo Tickets to the relevant Bingo game and then choose two numbers and inform the Chat Moderator what they are. These will be your numbers throughout the one-hour game.
  3. 3 Type the word ‘firework’ into the chat, as well as your numbers, after they have both been called. The first player to do so will be the winner and be eligible to play for a cash prize in the following game.
  4. 4 Winning players will receive a 50p cash prize each time one of the following numbers are called: 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75.

Significant Terms and Conditions
  • Bob's Firework chat games run on 5th November at the following times: 16:00 UK Time until 16:59 UK Time, 19:00 UK Time until 19:59 UK Time and from 21:00 UK Time until 21:59 UK Time. All games will take place in The Stadium room.
  • In order to participate in Bob’s Fireworks chat games, you must purchase a minimum of three tickets for the relevant game from your withdrawable cash balance.
  • You must choose two numbers and type them into the chat window before the game starts. Once selected, you cannot change your two numbers during the one-hour game. You must then type ‘firework’, and both numbers, when your chosen numbers are called. The first player to type the word 'firework' and both of their chosen numbers, when they are called, will be the winner.
  • The winning player will then play for cash prizes in the following game. Players will receive an additional 50p cash prize each time one of the following numbers is called: 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75.
  • You can win a maximum of eight 50p cash prizes, if every number ending with a five is called, to receive a maximum of £4 cash during one game.
  • Players can win a maximum of one cash prize during each one hour session, up to three cash prizes in total throughout the promotional period.
  • Cash rewards will be credited into your withdrawable cash balance within 72 hours of the chat game ending.
  • Bob's Fireworks Chat Games will run in English language only.
  • In the event that a Chat Moderator is absent during a Chat Game, the room will automatically close and the Chat Game will end, resulting in any progress being void.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Bob's Firework chat games run on 5th November at the following times: 16:00 UK Time until 16:59 UK Time, 19:00 UK Time until 19:59 UK Time and from 21:00 UK Time until 21:59 UK Time. All games will take place in The Stadium room.
  • In order to participate in Bob’s Fireworks chat games, you must purchase a minimum of three tickets for the relevant game from your withdrawable cash balance.
  • All Bob’s Fireworks chat games are held at the discretion of the Chat Moderators. The Chat Moderator's decision is final.
Calling 'Firework'
  • You must choose two numbers and type them into the chat window before the game starts. Once selected, you cannot change your two numbers during the one-hour game. You must then type ‘firework’, and both numbers, when your chosen numbers are called. The first player to type the word 'firework' and both of their chosen numbers, when they are called, will be the winner.
  • The winning player will then play for cash prizes in the following game. Players will receive an additional 50p cash prize each time one of the following numbers is called: 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75.
Receiving Your Prize
  • You can win a maximum of eight 50p cash prizes, if every number ending with a five is called, to receive a maximum of £4 cash during one game.
  • Players can win a maximum of one cash prize during each one-hour session, up to three cash prizes in total throughout the promotional period.
  • Cash rewards will be credited into your withdrawable cash balance within 72 hours of the chat game ending.
Información general
  • Cualquier premio/bonificación y cantidades de apuesta ofrecidos serán calculados mediante la tabla de multiplicador de divisas de bet365 que se aplique en ese momento. Puede consultar el multiplicador de divisas de bet365 aquí.
  • Bob's Fireworks Chat Games will run in English language only.
  • Cualquier premio/bonificación ofrecido se calculará utilizando el tipo de cambio actual a la total discreción de bet365.
  • Automatic prize/bonus amounts offered will be calculated using the current currency exchange rate as determined at the sole discretion of bet365. All other prizes/bonus amounts will be calculated using the bet365 currency multiplier table applicable at that time. You can view the bet365 currency multiplier here.
  • En un intento por combatir la actividad fraudulenta, bet365 ha introducido métodos para detectar y prevenir el mal uso de esta oferta. bet365 puede solicitarle a cualquier cliente que proporcione suficiente documentación y/o pasos de verificación para que, actuando razonablemente, esté satisfecho con la identidad del cliente antes de acreditar cualquier oferta, fondos de bono y/o ganancias en su cuenta.
  • Cuando no se cumpla con algún término de la oferta o exista evidencia de que un cliente o grupo de clientes hayan realizado una serie de apuestas aprovechándose de un bono de depósito, pagos mejorados o cualquier otra oferta promocional que garanticen las ganancias independientemente del resultado, ya sea individualmente o como parte de un grupo, bet365 puede reclamar el bono o el pago mejorado de dicha oferta, anular cualquier apuesta realizada con fondos de la oferta y/o eliminar cualquier ganancia obtenida con la misma. Además, cuando exista evidencia de tal actividad, bet365 puede imponer un cargo administrativo al cliente de hasta el valor del bono o pago mejorado, por los costos administrativos incurridos en identificar y tomar medidas contra esa actividad.
  • bet365 puede reclamar la cantidad de cualquier bono que se haya otorgado por error.
  • Todas las ofertas para clientes se limitan a una por persona. Si bet365 tiene motivos razonables para sospechar que el bono u oferta están siendo reclamados por la misma persona más de una vez o un grupo de clientes, entonces bet365 puede retirar la disponibilidad de cualquier oferta o de todas las ofertas para ese cliente o grupo de clientes y/o anular cualquier apuesta financiada por el bono y eliminar cualquier ganancia resultante de dicha apuesta.
  • bet365 puede, en cualquier momento, realizar cambios menores a esta promoción para corregir errores tipográficos o para mejorar la claridad o la experiencia de los clientes y puede cancelar o restringir esta promoción por razones legales, reglamentarias o técnicas.
  • Esta promoción no es válida para empleados y directivos de bet365, agencias de promoción, proveedores de licencia y/o licenciatarios, proveedores de servicio y cualquier otra compañía asociada o afiliada. Los mismos términos son aplicables a familiares directos de tales personas.